Hello blog friends! Still having a wonderful and most peaceful time up here in my happy place at 4200 ft elevation! Went to the annual summer gem show that happens every year in the nearby town of Franklin, and scored some very cool treasures. The above piece, being one of my favorites, is a hand carved piece out of bone. You know me and the animal themed pieces....I am always so drawn to them!
Below are some stunning hand cut landscape agates cut it fascinating shield and kite shapes...those should be fun to work with! Thinking of prong setting these and hanging them from Victorian or Art Deco rhinestone pieces...
And absolutely fell in love with these hand made coin silver pieces from Tibet...
Such love and soul went into this trio of loveliness!
Scored some amazing golden creamy Tahitian pearls, each one with loads of individual personality...
And the most amazing thing from the show....
Rutilated Quartz briolettes with fabulous bits of gold strands running through them.
Found a cool collection of pave' locks that I will be adding to some designs in the coming days...
...and loads of loads of wonderful pearls were acquired...
I got so inspired and straight to work with the new gemstones this week and made a small collection of earrings for this week's jewelry shop drop...
These new earrings coming to the shop later today, or you can reach out to me for the early details on them.
Happy Weekend everyone and see you back here next weekend with more pieces using more of my gem show treasures!